Monday, February 22, 2010

5 Reasons To Switch Over An To Internet Fax System

There are so many reasons to switch over to an internet fax system.  Here are the top 5 reasons.
  1. Save money by printing only those faxes you really need to print. Save money by eliminating a dedicated fax line.
  2. Switching over to an internet fax system saves trees.  You only print those faxes you really have to fax.  If you need to re-fax a document you can do it online without printing.
  3. You will receive all your faxes via email so, you will always have access to your faxes as long as you have access to your email.  
  4. You can share faxes instantly with co-workers/clients.  You can just forward the email.
  5. Get faxes on the road if you have a Blackberry or smartphone with email access.

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1 comment:

fax to email said...

Choose an internet fax service that can send at least 150 fax documents per month. You must make sure that they have a good service and available for most of the time.